all routes lead to doom

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  1. monsta666

    Review All Routes Lead to Doom! X review

    Review: My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! X otherwise known as Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta... X is a shoujo comedy/harem fantasy series. This is the sequel to the first season which aired in the spring season of 2020. If you...
  2. monsta666

    Review Prequel watch - All Routes Lead to Doom!

    In this prequel watch I will delve into All Routes Lead to Doom! It is a comedy series which adds an interesting twist to the harem/reverse harem genre. Unlike most harem shows this should appeal to both sexes. I certainly got a kick out of it! Stay tuned though as I plan on posting a review on...
  3. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 4

    In this part of my preliminary reviews, I will be revisiting the anime I reviewed in part 1 of this series. Just to recap the anime I will be looking at are: Vanitas No Carte, All Routes Lead to Doom, The Detective Is Already Dead, Re-Main and Remake Our Life. Since I would have covered four...
  4. monsta666

    Episode Summary 2021 Summer Season Anime Preliminary Review part 1

    Hold on to your shirts because we got a whole load of anime this season! Being swamped for series can be a drag that is why I will be offering my initial insights after watching the opening two episodes. Hopefully my comments will help in deciding what series is worth watching and what can be...