jobless reincarnation part 2

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  1. monsta666

    Review 2021 Autumn Season Anime review

    The Autumn season was on the whole stronger than summer as while not many shows were truly outstanding many were very enjoyable especially if it is a genre you dig into. This season was especially good in the horror department as we got two good ones with Mieruko-chan and Tricornered Window...
  2. monsta666

    Review 2021 Autumn preliminary reviews: Jobless Reincarnation, vampire cosmonauts & questionable BL

    Jobless reincarnation takes the biscuit in this lot. If you are a fan of yaoi though then the decision will be more difficult and likely a tossup between Jobless and Tricornered Window. For non-fans of the Boy Love genre the series may still prove to be enjoyable as the mystery/horror element is...
  3. monsta666

    Review 2021 Autumn preliminary reviews: Jobless Reincarnation, vampire cosmonauts & questionable BL

    This trio has quite a range! We start off with the another big hitter in Jobless Reincarnation. I am sure lots of people will dive into that but the other series are a unique mix. This season holds yet another vampire series in the shape of Laika who is a lady vampire who wants to be the first...