Black Cat

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aha! a new one to watch out for...
ep 4th of this serie has been subbed by Oyasumi fansub
hmmmm I watched the first and second episodes I think its really interesting ne!!!!?
i liked the last part of this ep. looking forward to next one...
Just watched episode 6 poor Train for losing his first real friend. That creed guy wasn't very smart that he did that, if he really wanted train to join him he should have left saya alone. Now train is never gona join and has his mind set on killing creed and everybody that helps him.
The way they put together the second half of the ep was just weird. I don't think they'll go back to it later properly either which is going to be disappointing
i cant believe it.. did she realli die!?!? she was so cute! that Creed guy is gonna get screwed in the next ep. these directors no wat they're doin cuttin the ep short rite where we were ready for some action. totally makes me wanna make me watch the next ep.
omg, she can't die!!! only being on the show for bout 5-6 episodes. that would suck. such a good story though ^^
I hope she lives she and train make a good couple, they both like neko's, milk, rooftops and some action. But if she really is dead that would be a shame, she is kinda cute with that outfit and shorthair.

I've read the manga way before the anime came out.. and I hate myself for it. Yes she really did die, and this is the whole reason of why Train is who he is now. Great plot and background story for Train's current profession in the manga. Not only that it only gets better and better. I actually thought they did the anime better than the manga, considering how in the manga it starts off with Saya already dead and not really letting us getting to know her character and amiable personality. I must say though, I feel like I sorta got to know her better because of this. Haha, Chrono's don't seem so hot right now, but later you can see what they're really made of too ^^

(Moderator Note: post spoilers like this, greetz DoR)
QUOTE (MKK2004 @ Nov 14 2005, 08:37 PM) WHAT IS WRONG IS U PPL!? CREED IS AWESOME, hes the perfect yaoi stalker i have seen in an anime~~
thanks for informing us mkK. is Train gonna get another cute girl? i thot the purple haired girl is pretty cool but obviously she and Sven hav got somethin goin. also if Eve can change her form jus like that, can she uh...hehehehehe.....
i feel sorry for train i really didnt want that girl to die but i kinda saw it happening with how creed keeped calling her a witch and all

*she's a cat, she has 9 lives
therefore she's alive with 7 more (i figure she's died doiong a job during the past also)

only thing i can't figure out is what team she's on. she could be on creed's and chronos's. or even working for some 3rd party to keep Train out of trouble

*what i said is just a theory on my part. i havn't read the manga or nothin.
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