Inuyasha: The Final Act

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I still cant believe that it will be over in 13 episodes. For me this is the best anime ever, it was the first I seriously watched and that got me addicted. I watched DGB and other stuff before, but not on a regular basis and not in original, Inuyasha was THE anime, that made me want to watch other anime. I dont want it to end, I waited so long for the continuation and now its over in 13 episodes?
As expected, episode 10 didn't really progress much. Just Kanna finally releasing her mirror's true form, not to mention that I just realized how much of a likeable character Kanna is.

On another note, I'm not too impressed with the new ED, especially compared with the old ED, which brought back many elements of the original series. The new ED is okay, but doesn't have the same impact or "emotion" the first ED had. Hopefully this isn't the ED theme for the remainder of the series as that would be rather disappointing.
I have seen episode 15 and it was better than I feared. I half expected Inuyashas and Sesshoumarus relationship to revert to what it used to be back in the beginning, but I was pleasantly surprised that even though Sesshiumaru did attack Inuyasha, he didnt do it in such a bestial and cruel manner how he used to. To me it seemed that he just wanted to see for himself how the whole Tessaiga & Tensseiga matter is. So he found out, he helped Inuyasha a little and purposely broke his sword so that tessaiga could absorb the jutsu (lol, I am mixing animes here). By the way, I find it funny how the rest of the gang always is commenting on the fighting and enlightening us on suble matters such as "looks like he purposely broke the sword". That just in case we didnt notice ourselves, right? Hahaha

Anyways, seems that Sesshoumaru is soon getting his new sword and a brand new hand ..... yeaaaahhh, I know, I have been reading spoilers AGAIN!! I just cant help my curiosity. Too bad nobody feels like discussin this anime with me.
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