Love or Lust?

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QUOTE It's also interesting to consider the birth rate of different classes. I believe the birth rate in the working-class is higher than the middle class as unemployment is more prevalent. I say this as the number of teenage mothers (who are mostly from the working class backgrounds). These people often drop out of school early and do not go to higher education unlike their middle-class counterparts. Such factors make women hold off pregnancy until a later age.
Yes i also find that interesting. I find this very true in third world countries. The lower classes of the society, especially the poorest ones consist of the majority of the population and has higher birth rates than any other class/sector.

QUOTE Overrun I think is a bit strong of a word. In some ways immigration is necessary. If the population is decreasing you need something to offset it. Otherwise you will find the younger generation having to support more people. Which is difficult for an economy (more money on health care, pensions and less spending). Immigration is also a quick way of gaining employment i.e it takes 10 years to train a doctor but 2 months (or less) to get a trained doctor from abroad.

Of course immigrants can never win! They are either stealing our money (not getting a job) or stealing our jobs (ironically jobs that we didn't want in the first place i.e cleaners). Also is benefit fraud limited to immigrants? I don't think so but it always makes good headlines...

NOTE: Looks like we're straying off-topic! It's seems to be more about family planning and birth control rather than lust itself. Yes I'm as guilty as you! But let's try and go back to the topic in hand? Or do you want to discuss this more in a separate thread? PM me if so!

Haha my bad my bad. Also apparently the issue of immigrants stealing jobs has recently been blown out of proportion in South Africa where the ensuing violence towards immigrants continues. Sorry for straying off topic, this'll be my last post on this one, i think i'll lay it to rest for a while, another topic caught my attention.
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