Violence In Videogames

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I know it's offtopic so I dont mind if somebody deletes it but if you;e talking about stupid warnings the classic one is often found on packets of peanuts and reads "WARNING:May contain nuts"
It is my understanding the McDonalds warning was as a result of a mother buying a piece of hot apple pie and her child burning it's mouth on it.
Partents can be rather stupid sometimes.
I dont think america is stupid I think the people in it are. I mean I live in america but when I go to school alot of the people I see are dumbacers. It irritates me to the core but things like . Just makes me feel sick that the world sees us as influential killers and psychos. >.>
Some people just LOVE to get the issue over with by blaming things or others, ne? Like the shooting at Columbine, the people blamed the music that the boys listened to for what had happened. The two boys got the guns from K-mart. That would’ve never had happened if the process of obtaining a firearm was much more difficult. In my POV, the boys, were struggling with not being able to fit in at school. Anyways, my point is that, if by banning guns and getting rid of guns once and for all, how would these kids be able to kill that much people? Sure, we can blame the media for the crimes that are happening right this second, but all of these crimes can be PREVENTED. Instead of blaming the media, why don’t people learn to deal with it for once? Like setting up a petition for the banning of guns in the US, and more “in your face” approaches for helping those kids that don’t feel like they fit in or are being bullied at school.
A lot of the kids at my school play violent games and such, but I don’t see them coming to school with a knife or a gun, or the intention of killing other students. Ultimately, pushing the blame around is not going to bring us anywhere, and this is coming from someone who lives in Canada. I understand that the mentality for Americans is that every family or shop should have a gun with them to protect what’s theirs, but get with the times already. As time passes slowly, the crimes will only keep rising if we keep thinking that way. If laws were more strict, then parents won’t have to worry about their kids being shot at school, or killed.
I’ll just hope that better gun laws and getting rid of guns is part of Obamas plan for “Change”. America would certainly be better off without guns, or the people living there anyways.
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